2013.12.31 Last sunset


2013.12.15 Griffith surfing


2013.11.24 Yosemite




2013.10.05 Redshank


2013.09.15 Power house paddle

2013.09.13 Kelly's b'day bash


2013.09.13 Griffith after school surf camp

2013.08.26 Griffith's new board

2013.08.23 Adirondack


2013.08.12 Griffith and Rhett surf camp


2013.08.08 Surfing


2013.08.07 Pool time


2013.08.06 Coronado


2013.08.04 MBYC with Anne


2013.08.03 Birdwatching Torry pines with Anne


2013.07.26 MBYC


2013.06.20 Florida



2013.06.01 Geraint order of the arrow

2013.05.29 Griffith longjump

2013.05.23 Griffith 13th birthday


2013.05.11 Gina and Curtis wedding


2013.05.03 Stand up for the cure

2013.02.16 Snow campout


2013.01.27 Universal studios


2013.01.26 60's night out Danya's 50th


2013.01.12 High tide Torrey pines

2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005
