AM GU Answers














1.  D

Rumack states that a corpus luteum cyst should have regressed by 16-18 weeks. 


2.  B



a.  F

b.  T

c.  F

d.  F

Ultrasound can NOT distinguish benign from malignant.

Iliac and inguinal LN's are usually spared. Testicular tumors tend to follow gonadal venous drainage with metastases to the retroperitoneal nodes near the level of the kidneys.


4.  A



a.  F

b.  T

c.  T

d.  F

Wilm's tumor is associated with SPORADIC aniridia.

Neuroblastoma is more likely to encase vessels.



a.  F

b.  T

c.  T

d.  T

e.  T

f.  T

Leukoplakia, however, is a premalignant condition for epidermoid carcinoma.

From Dahnert: bladder > lower 2/3 of ureter > upper ureter > renal pelvis. Multifocal in 75%; bilateral in 50%

Michaelis-Gutmann bodies are PAS-positive inclusion bodies consisting of incompletely destroyed E. coli bacterium surrounded by lipoprotein membranes.


7.  A

Probably the best answer. Lymphoma is the most common cause of lateral deviation of the proximal and middle thirds of the ureter.


8.  D



a.  T

b.  T

c.  T

d.  F

e.  T

Duplication of the collecting system is more frequent in females by a ratio of 6:1!

Ectopic ureter inserts inferior and medially

Duplication of the collecting system can be associated with bladder outlet obstruction from a large ectopic ureterocele prolapsing into bladder neck / urethra.


10.  C

This is correct. Megacalicosis is nonprogressive caliceal dilatation caused by hypoplastic medullary pyramids. Mosaic-like arrangement of dilated calices (polygonal + faceted appearance, NOT globular as in obstruction)


11.  B

This is correct. VUR causes polar cortical loss. 


12.  A

Tuberculosis causes dilated calices (hydrocalicosis) often with sharply defined circumferential narrowings (infundibular strictures) at one or several sites. 


13.  A

Ureteral notching is due to collaterals, so any disease causing the formation of collaterals should cause notching. 



a.  T

b.  F

c.  F

d.  T

Malignancy develops in about 7% of patients.

Both cortical and medullary cysts are seen.

The cysts associated with acquired cystic renal diease are small compared to PCKD.



a.  T

b.  T

c.  T

d.  F



Serum renin is decreased. Aldosterone-secreting tumors are commonly single. They occur in the adrenal cortex. There is hypokalemia.