UCSD Musculoskeletal Radiology bonepit.com Signing |
This information is about the IDXRAD system at UCSD and Thornton hospitals. The information for the VA Vista system is on a different handout. You can sign IDXRAD reports for UCSD Medical Center and Thornton from work or from your home computer via telnet access. This information is specifically for PC users using Netscape or Internet Explorer, but it will work (with minor modifications) using Mac.
Signing reports from UCSD and Thornton
Signing reports on IDXRAD from the VA
It is possible to sign reports at the VA for both Thornton and Hillcrest. Both of the computers in the bone pit are linked up. If the computer icon with idxrad is not on the desktop, it can be quickly reinstalled:
1. Double click the vista icon.
2. On the top row of the drop down menus click on connections. Click the disconnect button. Repeat and hit connect.
3. The option th-digit1.ucsd.edu should be highlighted. Click OK
4. login: idxrad
5. password: idxrad
6. login rad
Signing reports from home
Steps involved
connection can be via modem, cable, DSL, ISDN or whatever.
Installing and Configuring IDXTERM
Once you have installed IDXTERM
For PC users with a cable modem, John Hesselink has one other "pearl". After
you setup idxterm, put a "windows shortcut" on your desktop. "Right click" your
mouse button on the shortcut icon. Select "properties" and then the "shortcut"
tab. In the "Target" box, type "idxterm.exe /winsock=th-digit1.ucsd.edu" In the
"Start in" box, type the directory where you put the idxterm program. Now when
you double click the "shortcut icon" it will automatically log on to the host
computer. If your connection is a phone line, it probably will work as well but
I haven't tried it.
Signing reports from out of town
You can sign reports from anywhere on the planet. Since you want to enjoy
your time away, sign before you leave if you can. It is a good idea to expedite
your reports if you are working the day before leaving town. When you log on to
RTAS and are asked for the "2 digit work type", enter "33" and transcription
will prioritize your reports, so hopefully reports would be available for review
and signature the same day.
If you are taking your laptop, all you need is an Internet connection. There are free internet services, such as Juno (www.juno.com), or you can get a "dial-up account" at the University for $12/month (www.no.ucsd.edu or phone UCSD Network Operations at 858-534-1857). The UCSD dial-up account calls San Diego for Internet access so it has long distance charges. With Juno, you can access Internet from practically anywhere in the US for free by calling one of their 2,200 access numbers. Juno will provide you with 56K modem speed. Juno does not support MAC, though there may be some other free Internet providers for the MAC system, I just do not know of any myself.
When you are traveling without your laptop, most hotels have computer access or you can get online at a local Kiosk. On Windows based PCs, select "Run" from the "Start" menu and type "telnet". Within telnet, connect to "th-digit1.ucsd.edu" to get to the login prompt. The program is a little klugi; you may not be able to edit reports, but at least you sign off the other ones.
For MAC users
To log on to IDXRAD with a MAC, you need a telnet program. "BetterTelnet" is a
free software program for a MAC that can be obtained at "http://www.cstone.net/~rbraun/mac/telnet".
Page down to "Download BetterTelnet" and follow the instructions.
When you have the program installed (which seems to happen automatically on a
MAC when you download it), open the BetterTelnet program. Under the file menu,
select "Open Connection". In the "Host Name" box, type "th-digit1.ucsd.edu" and
connect. That should get you to the "SunOS 5.6" prompt. Type "idxrad" for both
the login and password. That will get you to the IDXRAD system.
Good luck!
If you are having problems, please contact the UCSD Department of Radiology support person:
Wes Dillon