UCSD Musculoskeletal Radiology


Stroke Code Update




Neurology Team:
-Identify yourselves as Stroke Code Leader and Stroke Code Nurse to the CT and MR Technologists. 
-Remain with the patient throughout their time in imaging (we're working on the issue of having computer access for the clinical team). 
-Complete the MR Screening form with the Doc Flow Sheet at the time the order is placed (at both Hillcrest and Thornton)

          **Please note that if you ask the ER MD to place the order, the Stroke Code Leader is responsible for screening and documenting MR screening, not the ER.
-Call MR (3-7040) before leaving CT to let them know if the patient is or is not coming to MR.  

-Take patient back to ED during tPA infusion. 

Radiology Team:
-The choice to obtain CTA is at the discretion of the Stroke Code Leader(resident, fellow, or attending).  The CTA does not require the Radiologist to approve or protocol. 
-CT Technologist is to call the reading room (32566) or page on-call (5063) when Stroke Code CT/CTA is completed; Contact Tim Spivey for reformats during business hours or send STAT to 3DR after hours.
-Preliminary reports for CT, CTA and MR should be given real-time to the Stroke Code team unless they are unable to take the call; documentation on PACS ideally within 15 min, must be within 30 minutes

-We are in the process of ensuring the CTA protocols are standard amongst all sites and aim to have this resolved in the new year.