1990-1991 Mark E. Schweitzer, M.D. (United States) schweit1@jeflin.tju.edu
Dr. Schweitzer, following a one-year fellowship in osteoradiology, joined the Department of Radiology at Thomas
Jefferson University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He currently is an Associate Professor of Radiology at that
1990-1992 Jurg Hodler, M.D. (Switzerland) Jueg.Hodler@balgrist.ch
1990-1991 Marie Jose Berthiaume, M.D. (Canada) mjb3gb@sympatico.ca
Upon completion of her fellowship, Dr. Berthiaume returned to Montreal, Canada. She has remained in
academics ever since, her most recent association being with Notre Dame Hospital, University of Montreal.
1990-1991 Xuezhe Zhang, M.D. (China)
1990-1991 Jeffrey D. Towers, M.D. (United States) towers@rad.arad.upmc.edu
Dr. Towers joined the Department of Radiology at the University of Pittsburgh, following his one-year fellowship.
He has remained at that institution.