UCSD Musculoskeletal Radiology bonepit.com Case of the week 007 |
Jan 14th 2003 Prior cases of the week
37M Reduced range of elbow and wrist motion.
How does this compare to an Essex Lopressti injury
Congenital elbow dislocation with consequent DRUJ dislocation.
Congenital elbow dislocation may be part of a systemic condition such as nail patella syndrome. When not systemic it is usually bilateral. Often presents around age 4-5 years, with limitation of movement. Most have posterior dislocation of the radial head. 1/3 are anterior or lateral. The Essex Lopressti injury is a radial head fracture with injury to the interosseous membrane and consequent ulna plus variance at the wrist. The name Essex Lopressti is also given to a classification system of calcaneal fractures, often reserved for intraarticular fractures.